"Owls" Books Available New: Titles Beginning With the letter B

List last updated Thu, 19 Feb 2009 05:17:20 GMT

"Owls" Books Available New
Right Now from Amazon U.S.A.:
Titles Beginning With the letter B

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"Owls" Books, Titles Beginning With the letter B

Baby Owl (Nature Babies)
Aubrey Lang
Paperback: 2004-03-22 (Fitzhenry and Whiteside)
$5.95 (Usually ships in 24 hours)
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The Barn Owl (Shire Library)
Iain R. Taylor
Paperback: 2008-03-04 (Shire)
$10.00 (Usually ships in 24 hours)
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Barn Owls (Heinemann Read and Learn)
Patricia Whitehouse
Library Binding: 2002-09 (Heinemann)
$21.36 (Usually ships in 24 hours)
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The Barn Owls
Deborah Kogan Ray
Paperback: 2000-06-01 (Charlesbridge Publishing)
$7.95 (Usually ships in 24 hours)
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Barn Owls: Predator-Prey Relationships and Conservation
Iain Taylor
Paperback: 2004-06-03 (Cambridge University Press)
$52.20 (Usually ships in 24 hours)
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Bear's New Friend
Karma Wilson
Hardcover: 2006-03-28 (Margaret K. McElderry)
$11.53 (Usually ships in 24 hours)
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Berkeley's Barn Owl Dance
Tera Johnson
Hardcover: 2008-10-01 (Kids Can Press, Ltd.)
$13.22 (Usually ships in 24 hours)
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Judith Nicholls
Paperback: 2004-04-02 (Bloomsbury USA Children's Books)
$6.95 (Usually ships in 24 hours)
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The Book of North American Owls
Helen Roney Sattler
Paperback: 1998-03-23 (Sandpiper)
$7.95 (Usually ships in 24 hours)
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A Book of Sleep
Il Sung Na
Library Binding: 2009-09-08 (Knopf Books for Young Readers)
$12.91 (Not yet available, but you can preorder it)
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Brujas, lechuzas y espantos / Witches, Owls and Spooks (Spanish Edition)
Alonso M. Perales
Paperback: 2008-04-30 (Pinata Books)
$9.95 (Usually ships in 24 hours)
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The Burning (Guardians of Ga'hoole, Book 6)
Kathryn Lasky
Paperback: 2004-11-01 (Scholastic)
$5.99 (Usually ships in 24 hours)
or search Abebooks for this book used

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